April 24, 2007

Taos for Orrie's Birthday

Our Marrakech Suite
Taos Street

A while back ago we spent a few days in Taos to celebrate Orrie's 70th birthday. He'd never been to Taos or Santa Fe! Of course we stayed at El Monte Sagrado, the spa resort we act like we own there. After flying into Albuquerque and breezing through Santa Fe, we took our leisurely amble along the high road, through Chimayo and the gorgeous mountains with a dusting of snow. Then we pulled into the parking lot at Sagrado to find a HUGE construction project going on. Oh dear, something rotten in Denmark. Seems the place has been purchased by a...a... corporation and they are expanding to double the size of the place.

According to an unnamed employee (Linda) there is definite discord. The hotel corporation (Kessler) has turned off all the eco-friendly part of the resort, like the natural water purification and such and are concentrating on making it more of a conference center. A sad day. I guess we'll have to shift our focus back to Santa Fe, which we also love.

Had a great dinner with Karla and Kelly at Byzantium. It's a small place off the south side of the Taos Square. Only 7 tables, the menu changes according to the seasons and the whims of the chef. Karla says that some days they just leave a note on the door saying if you want to eat, just call them at home and they'll come in and open the place.

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