January 26, 2007

Ali's Jeans

This week I received an email from Ali, our sweet local guide from central Morocco. One day while we were with him he helped us negotiate for a carpet at one of the merchants. When we thanked him he replied "I want jeans". After a few moments of just staring at him I finally got it that he wanted us to send him a pair of jeans from the States. And not just any jeans but black jeans.

He had no idea of his waist size, so he scrounged up a piece of string which we put around his waist and knotted where it met. I brought this string home and used it as my guide for his size. (it was 33" even though he looked a lot thinner). So I bought him the jeans and mailed them to his village in Morocco ($45 shipping thank you).

This was all weeks ago. Finally he wrote that he received the jeans at last and thank you so much but even though they are too big they fit his brother. I wrote back, " your brother owes you a pair of black jeans and may God be with you."

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