January 30, 2007
On Thursday I'm meeting Hector in Dallas, then we are flying on to Philadelphia, where it is God knows how cold. He has a presentation there on Friday and we'll hang out until Sunday. He's been working in Guatemala City this week, which he says is like being in Tijuana. That's not a compliment.
This week I'm working on a large armoire for Chris & Jim's house. The lower section is complete but I need to get in there and start building the top part. And yet... strangely... I don't feel like it. I wonder what's on TV?
January 28, 2007
The Pictures

Also good are James McAvoy and lesbian icon Gillian Anderson. McAvoy was adorable as the faun in Narnia and he's adorable here too, but it was difficult for me to have much sympathy with his character, a naive do-gooder who goes to Uganda out of boredom and casually becomes involved with Idi Amin. I mean really.

Notes On A Scandal was absolutely delicious! Judi Dench was superb and Cate Blanchett was right with her all the way. What a great pairing. Watching it was like watching Ripley, where I just couldn't believe the way things were heading but I was relishing every second of the mahem. I wonder how many middle-aged gay men secretly wish they were Judi Dench?

The art direction is just spectacular. I want to see it again just to be able to catch all that richness behind the main action.
January 26, 2007
Ali's Jeans

January 21, 2007
Vegas Update
January 18, 2007
Hector got his new company car. We've been waiting since August for the damn thing. It's a lovely silver Chrysler Pacifica. It will be nice for the drive to Vegas except that all that new vinyl and plastic inside is emitting a toxic cloud and I start coughing and gagging the instant I get in.
January 16, 2007
Helen Mirren deserves every award she gets as far as I'm concerned, although I thought she was much better in Elizabeth I than in the Queen... Haven't seen the Last King of Scotland but everyone always raves about Forrest Whitaker and I'm sorry I just don't see it. He's not bad but he's just not that special to me. And that lazy eye drives me crazy... Poor Annette Benning. Another loss, but she should know by now that if Meryl Streep is nominated she should just stay home in bed... We'll see Dreamgirls this week sometime... Apocalypto I liked better than I thought I would but it is ridiculously bloody. There's something wrong with Mel... I guess I'll see Borat eventually but I just know it's going to be fart jokes and queer jokes, regardless of what the critics are saying.
January 09, 2007
Home Sweet Home
Now Leslie and I are gearing up with the new organizing business, Hector and I have a little weekend in Vegas planned on the 20th and I'm studying for my contractors license. All in all, very sensible and adult, wouldn't you say?... Check back in a few weeks and I'll be ready to hit the road.
We shipped a beautiful old brass chandelier from Cairo and it arrived yesterday in 1,000,000 pieces. I had packed it myself so I know that the foul Egyptian Customs/Antiquities people opened it up and didn't re-pack it properly. The cheap tin lamp we bought naturally arrived in perfect condition.
January 01, 2007
Arriverderci Amman
To approach the site of Petra you walk down a narrow canyon, then enter into the Siq, a deep crevice in the mountain that extends nearly a kilometer. After walking 45 minutes through this channel suddenly you can see a narrow opening of light. Then, unbelievably, you are standing out in the open looking at a huge shrine carved out of the solid rock. The whole city is carved from the stone, tucked down into a protected valley. It was the perfect defense for the Nabateans, who built it around 6th century BC.