July 20, 2006

Hot as Hell! Although I really shouldn't complain since I see that Dallas is having 104 today and London is having record heat as well. My paltry 82 degrees, 71% humidity seems negligible.

Electricians are here destroying the house this week. We're having new much-needed lighting installed in every room and they are carving long furrows in the ceiling to run their wires. A fine toxic powder of plaster is covering everything. One of them is cute but I caught him listening to Christian music yesterday.

I'm so disgusted with Israel, almost as disgusted as I am with Bush, inc. Innocent Lebanese are being pounded into the dirt and these fucking war-mongers won't even issue an official call for a cease-fire.

On a lighter note, I was thrilled with the footage of Bush at the G8 summit, chewing with mouth open, making the usual hillbilly remarks, looking like the bumpkin he is.

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