It's October now. We went to Monterey, California, Labor Day weekend for a nice little getaway, improved greatly by the fact that it was about 75° there and about 105° in San Diego at the time. Got upgraded to a big suite at the Marriott. We visited the always wonderful Monterey Aquarium, which, take it from me, is the best in the world. Avoided Bubba Gumps and places of that creepy ilk, but had a truly marvelous dinner at Stokes, on Hartnell Street; had an unfortunate Gyro sandwich at a local Greek Street Fair, which made me vom.
Boy, Monterey was hopping. Those local tourists with their baby strollers were everywhere. Took an all-day drive east into Salinas County to the Mission Nuestra Señora de la Soledad. We briefly imagined ourselves living in the hill country around Monterey but then got over it.

We've made 6 months of travel plans: Guatemala at Thanksgiving, Thailand and Hong Kong at Christmas, and Buenos Aires for spring break 2010. Woo hoo! Almost all of that is on air miles and Marriott points. Suck on that, American dollar!